Comments on Episode 1 (Cleaning House)?
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Have you ever “cleaned house” with your relationships?
Have you ever USED someone knowingly?
What did you think of the episode?
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Comments on the Series? Please share your comments below! What did it make you think about in your life? Have you reassessed your relationships? Work? What did you think of the series?
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1) If by ‘cleaned house’ you meant cleaning the house, yes I have
2) Somehow, even though subconsciously I know I am making use of someone, but I try to justify that action
3) Thought it was a good pilot. Good way to portray common issues in relationships, even though I hate to believe there are as psychotic girls as Lingual, but there is always someone’s ex gf who is like that. Jimmy’s story was very real as well.
Enjoyed the direction of the movie!
Herbie, thanks for your comment.
1) by “cleaned house” we meant dumping the girl/ guy you were using… 😉
2) Lingual gets a lot more psychotic but boy is she real … in fact when we were writing so many stories came up which were worse than what Lingual finally became… life is often scarier than fiction!
Do let us know what you think of the other episodes on each episode page. Appreciate your comments!
Thoroughly enjoyed this episode!!! The communication breakdown between the Chinese lady and Jason’s character was hilarious XD And the whole premise of the relationship was even more absurd (Free Chinese remedial??!) HAHAHAHA! (Can Jason speak Chinese fluently? Because the way he acted like he didn’t was SUPER real)
Lingual, is freaky. Very convincingly played :S
Hi Ping! Jason here – No, I’m terrible at Chinese – so yeah, I didn’t have to act much. Yes, Lingual IS freaky – keep watching – she gets worse!! And yeah – Charis was perfect as Lingual – I remember when we were directing her and trying to explain the character and then one day on set she just got it and it was perfect – had us in stitches watching back the footage! BTW you should check out her audition – there’s a bunch of “auditions to final performance” videos in the What Do Men Want Menu – she was great!
In episode 1, although we had some good edgy fun with stereotypes, we made sure to counter all these upon our characters. This was the first episode that got screened by the broadcasting executives who commissioned us, and thankfully the VP fully enjoyed our first cut of this episode so much that they pretty much left us alone creatively for the rest of the series.
hey guys, i’m a huge fan of this series. it’s very relatable to me – my grandmother, a British chef during world war two, brought me up the first 12 years of my life. so mainly, i speak english at home.
before this, i haven’t really seen a great series with proper english. most Singapore tv series have singlish. a good move to use proper english and appeal to the international market, and it’s smart to include the language into the writing. many things about this series are very clever. the opening music is short and sweet. catchy.
i think there were many things that were brilliantly written too.
Lingual’s sharpness is attractively prickling and yet her childishness juxtaposed with the good traits immediately makes a character i want to see more of in the later episodes (there’s so much room for her character to develop).
Hey Lyon! Thanks so much for the great review so far! Yes, we agree – we want to continue making series here with Asian actors in the English language. We hope the rest of the world will take to our series too – fingers crossed – because that will open up a whole new market for all of us.
We loved writing for Lingual – she became our favourite character – always getting everyone into trouble! As we wrote the first few eps we immediately fell in love with her character – she was just so sharp… I think Charis did an amazing job with her – really easy to make someone like that unlikable. But I think most will find her very very interesting.
Wasn’t Abby great in ep 1 as Ding Ding??
Loved the first episode guys, these characters are larger than life but I can relate to them all the same time.
The misunderstanding in Chinese had me in stitches! Jimmy’s mustn’t have been paying much attention during the lesson but I loved how Lingual really rubbed it in when she’s translating the breakup!
Lots of potential in this one boys – look forward to the rest of the series!
Thanks Jeff! Got to practice my awful Chinese in this one. Thought you’d like the Chinese misunderstandings! Can’t wait for you to watch the rest!