Comments on Episode 2 (Sleep Where the Power Lies)?
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Have you ever tried to “sleep where the power lies”?
What do you think of hair vs no hair on women/ men?
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Q1) Nope. I think for girls, it has an adverse effect on our reputation.
2) For women: except on the head, hair anywhere else is a big no no man. Regardless of the stigma about ladies with no hair, in this day and age it is about hygiene. As for men, well, too little hair and you are quite gay
3) It was really funny, Karen Lim was soo good!
1) Yes you’re right…it usually relates to women. I wonder how many men have slept their way to the top??
2) There’s a big rage in China right now with women taking selfies of underarm hair – it’s amazing! I went to drama school with many women who let it all hang out – very difficult times!
3) yes she was! We had a ball filming with Karen.
Thank you Herbie for the compliment! Am glad you enjoyed watching this. And yes, I truly had a ball filming this.
Episode 2 was so much fun to shoot! Jason and I got to do so many scenes together, where we just made each other laugh at the ridiculousness of our story lines. Elizabeth Lazan and Karen Lim were an absolute treat to have on the show as guest stars. I’ve know them both for such a long time, and what a treat to have them both in the same episode! Everyone seems to be quite grossed out at this under arm hair, but it really doesn’t bother me that much. Do you really feel it’s gross? It’s au natural n’est pas?
Christian, may I please slap you? It’s Karen LIM. But I love you anyway! LOL!
Thanks Karen for the correction – will let Christian know – have made the correction.
i like that this episode addresses the “myth” of sleeping one’s way to the top.
and inserting the armpit hair was again, clever. that was the time when it was a ‘hot-topic’.
there were photoshoots etc. about the subject – whether au naturale should be the thing instead
Glad you liked the armpit hair! I lived through a time when it was a trend for female actors in my acting class to go au naturale – suffice it to say – I didn’t warm to it 😉