Comments on Episode 9 (Mid-Life Crisis)?
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What’s your midlife crisis?
What do you think of following your heart vs your head?
What did you think of the episode?
PRESS RELEASE: First Win for Singapore at LA Web Fest At one of the most prestigious international web festivals, the Los Angeles Web Series Festival, Singapore production company, BananaMana Films, was awarded Outstanding Directing inRead more
Comments on the Series? Please share your comments below! What did it make you think about in your life? Have you reassessed your relationships? Work? What did you think of the series?
Comments? Should Jane have stayed with Charles? What do you think of following your heart vs your head? What did you think of the episode?
Comments on Episode 11 (Secrets and Lies)? Please share your comments below! Are there some secrets that should never be told? What is ok to hide from your partner? What secrets could you never forgive /Read more
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this touches on real-life actor subjects and issues
I remember Pavan, who plays Charles, talking about how all his lines were basically what his parents and family would say to him…as he continues to fight his way through a life of freelance acting.